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Urgent Help



We're waiting for your call

Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

CAll 116 123 or click here


The Zero Suicide Alliance

If you, or somone you care about needs urgent support contact The Zero Suicide Alliance.  

click here

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Citizens Advice Scotland

Free, one-to-one and impartial general advice on employment, housing, debt, benefits and consumer issues like energy bills as well as many other topics

click here


Breathing Space

direction for those who do not know where to seek help.

So don't let problems get out of hand, phone Breathing Space, where experienced advisors will listen and offer information and advice.

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Find a Helpline.

The right mental health help for you, in seconds 
A directory of helplines for a veriaty of concerns local to you.

Urgent Help: News

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